Advertising Quotes


Advertising is about illuminating how our products and services will improve people's lives. Now, how do we do that? Love. Time. Death. Now these three abstractions connect every single human being on Earth. Everything that we covet, everything that we fear not having, everything that we ultimately end up buying is because at the end of the day we long for love, we wish we had more time, and we fear death. Love. Time. Death. Let's begin there.

Everywhere, words are mixing. Words and lyrics and dialogue are mixing in a soup that could trigger a chain reaction. Maybe acts of God are just the right combination of media junk thrown out into the air. The wrong words collide and call up an earthquake. The way rain dances called storms, the right combination of words might call down tornadoes. Too many advertising jingles commingling could be behind global warming. Too many television reruns bouncing around might cause hurricanes. Cancer. AIDS.

Lenina Huxley: — You seem very much alone, John Spartan, but... things aren't all that different. Perhaps you'd like to hear an oldies station? Oldies?
Alfredo Garcia: — This is the most popular station in town. Wall-to-wall mini-tunes. You called them "commercials".
[Lenina and Alfredo sing along to the sausage commercial]
John Spartan: — Somebody put me back in the fridge.

— The choice is clear. The Orient 620. The American made car, for American made drivers.
— See, that's a lie. Orient engins are made in Japan.
— Guilt Signal. The movie everyone's talking about.
— That's another lie. We're not talking about it.
— We're the United State's Post Office. We care.
— Oh, that's the biggest wopper of all!

— He said what? To your face?
— No crime has been committed here.
— Oh, come on. Defamation of character ain't a crime?
— It isn't defamation if she's simply asking a question.
— What are you, an idiot?
— Don't call me an idiot, Dixon!
— I didn't call you an idiot. I asked if you was an idiot. That was a question.