Arthur Pendragon – Character Quotes

Arthur Pendragon
Quoted in: 

— Where is he?
— He's gone out in pursuit of a young agrimonia. A noble but shy plant, not easy to find. It could take him all day.
— All day?!
— It is invaluable, sire. It's properties open up both the liver and the spleen.
— He's in the tavern, isn't he?
— No, sire!
— Well, when he's finished opening up his liver and his spleen, tell him he has exactly one hour to sober up and get to my chambers.

— Merlin! This is one of the two…possibly three moments in my life where I’ve actually been glad to see you.
— That’s my thoughts exactly, Sire. How’re you feeling?
— Like death. Well, death warmed up, at least.
— I can imagine.
— Hm. Well it seems like we’ve both been through something of an ordeal.
— It wasn’t so bad, really. Once you get use to the eternal night and the rats, and the moldy pillows, living with a bucket of your own…
— Merlin. I’m sorry about what happened to you. Truly. Soon as I heard, I told them it couldn’t have been you who poisoned me.

— I am not my father.
— No.
— Then why do they judge me so?
— I'm not sure I'm the person to ask.
— I am asking you, Merlin, man to man.
— Well, perhaps they feel you're worthy enough to BE judged.
— What do you mean by that?
Judgment is wasted on a man who won't listen.
— You think I should take them seriously.
— I think you already have.