Espionage Quotes


— Three more ticks and Mr. Goldfinger would have hit the jackpot. Did you get him?
— Not yet, but he won't get far.
— And Pussy?
She helped us switch the gas in the canisters. By the way, what made her call Washington.
— I must have appealed to her maternal instincts.
— Come on, James. Get aboard. You can't keep the President waiting.
— Special plane, lunch at the White House. How come?
— The President wants to thank you personally.

— M here.
— Leiter, sir. It's about 007, sir. We picked up his homer signal. It's monitored into Friendship Airport, Baltimore, where he's just landed.
— Baltimore? Nice of him to let us know. Last we heard, he was in Switzerland.
— He came in on a private jet, ex-Geneva, registered to our old friend, Auric Goldfinger.
— Well, I'm glad he's making progress. Keep an eye on him for us.
— Their flight plan gives Blue Grass Field, Kentucky, as their final destination.
— Don't charge in on him and spoil anything, will you? He's evidently well on top at the moment.

— This is gold, Mr. Bond. All my life, I've been in love with its color, its brilliance, its divine heaviness. I welcome any enterprise that will increase my stock. Which is considerable.
— I think you've made your point, Goldfinger. Thank you for the demonstration.
— Choose your next witticism carefully, Mr. Bond. It may be your last. The purpose of our two previous encounters is now very clear to me. I do not intend
to be distracted by another. Good night, Mr. Bond.
— Do you expect me to talk?
— No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die. There is nothing you can talk to me about that I don't already know.
— You're forgetting one thing. If I fail to report, 008 replaces me.
— I trust he will be more successful.
— But he knows what I know.
— You know nothing, Mr. Bond.
Operation Grand Slam, for instance.
— Two words you may have overheard, which cannot possibly have any significance to you or anyone in your organization.
— Can you afford to take that chance?
— You are quite right, Mr. Bond. You are worth more to me alive.

This isn't a personal vendetta, 007. It's an assignment, like any other and if you can't treat it as such, coldly and objectively, 008 can replace you. You've hardly distinguished yourself, have you? You were supposed to observe Mr. Goldfinger, not borrow his girlfriend. Instead of that, Goldfinger goes off to Europe, and it's only by the grace of God, your friend Leiter, and my intervention with the British embassy in Washington, that you're not in the custody of the Miami Beach police.

— But what's on your mind? I'm on holiday.
— Not anymore, you're not. Signal from London.
— Might have known M wouldn't book me into the best hotel in Miami Beach out of pure gratitude.
— He asked us to keep an eye on him for you.
— Auric Goldfinger. Sounds like a French nail varnish.
— He's British, but he doesn't sound like it. Big operator. Worldwide interests, all apparently quite reputable. Owns one of the finest stud farms in the States.

— I get a kick out of watching the great James Bond find out what a bloody fool he's been making of himself. We're pros, Mr. Bond. We sweated your recognition code out of one of your men in Tokyo before he died. I've been keeping tabs on you. I've been your guardian angel. Saved your life at the gypsy camp.
— Yes. I'm much obliged.
— We were keeping you alive until you could get us the Lektor.

— My friend. Come in. Come in. Glad to see you. Welcome to Istanbul.
— Thank you for sending the car, but it does rather tie you in with me.
— You're in the Balkans now, Mr. Bond. The game with the Russians is played a little differently here. The day-to-day routine matters, we don't make it too difficult to keep a tab on each other.
— So I gathered from your chauffeur. He's a rather intelligent young man.
— He should be. He's my son. Coffee?
— Medium sweet.
— Two, medium sweet. He also is my son. All of my key employees are my sons. Blood is the best security in this business.

See Also