Scrubs: Funny Quotes


— How's it goin'?
— I'm a 37-year-old janitor. How d'you think it's going?
— There is nothing wrong with being a janitor.
— Really? Thank you, you've turned my life around. I'll tell my janitor wife and all our janitor kids that life is worth living. And that comes straight from our hero, Dr Whozits, Dr Nothing. No, seriously, come on. Come over to my humble house and point out things that are cheap.

- How's it goin'?
- I'm a 37-year-old janitor. How d'you think it's going?
- There is nothing wrong with being a janitor.
- Really? Thank you, you've turned my life around. I'll tell my janitor wife and all our janitor kids that life is worth living. And that comes straight from our hero, Dr Whozits, Dr Nothing. No, seriously, come on. Come over to my humble house and point out things that are cheap.
- How's it goin'?
- I'm a 37-year-old janitor. How d'you think it's going?
- There is nothing wrong with being a janitor.
- Really? Thank you, you've turned my life around. I'll tell my janitor wife and all our janitor kids that life is worth living. And that comes straight from our hero, Dr Whozits, Dr Nothing. No, seriously, come on. Come over to my humble house and point out things that are cheap.

Bob, now when the dark prince does finally call you home, please... Promise me that you'll donate your body to science. And I don't... mean medical science, I mean NASA. Because when those buzz-cuts have all but given up on trying to figure out... Just exactly what a black hole is, and they get one look at that space where your heart was supposed to be... well by-gum, you know they're just gonna say: «Awwww, shucks! hat's what it is!»

Bob, now when the dark prince does finally call you home, please... Promise me that you'll donate your body to science. And I don't... mean medical science, I mean NASA. Because when those buzz-cuts have all but given up on trying to figure out... Just exactly what a black hole is, and they get one look at that space where your heart was supposed to be... well by-gum, you know they're just gonna say: «Awwww, shucks! hat's what it is!»
Bob, now when the dark prince does finally call you home, please... Promise me that you'll donate your body to science. And I don't... mean medical science, I mean NASA. Because when those buzz-cuts have all but given up on trying to figure out... Just exactly what a black hole is, and they get one look at that space where your heart was supposed to be... well by-gum, you know they're just gonna say: «Awwww, shucks! hat's what it is!»

The addict said he quit? Why wouldn't you tell me that? That changes everything. Just because you have a new girlfriend doesn't mean that the world has suddenly turned into a giant green M&M. The Red Sox still suck, they do. Barbie here still can't decide what to do with those annoying bangs, and addicts everywhere will still lie to get a fix. Now, you've got to wake up, sweetheart. You're gonna be late for school... You wet the bed. Why can't I have a normal child without these problems?

The addict said he quit? Why wouldn't you tell me that? That changes everything. Just because you have a new girlfriend doesn't mean that the world has suddenly turned into a giant green M&M. The Red Sox still suck, they do. Barbie here still can't decide what to do with those annoying bangs, and addicts everywhere will still lie to get a fix. Now, you've got to wake up, sweetheart. You're gonna be late for school... You wet the bed. Why can't I have a normal child without these problems?
The addict said he quit? Why wouldn't you tell me that? That changes everything. Just because you have a new girlfriend doesn't mean that the world has suddenly turned into a giant green M&M. The Red Sox still suck, they do. Barbie here still can't decide what to do with those annoying bangs, and addicts everywhere will still lie to get a fix. Now, you've got to wake up, sweetheart. You're gonna be late for school... You wet the bed. Why can't I have a normal child without these problems?