Peaky Blinders – Series Quotes [Season 4]


— I want Shelby Company Limited to increase non-taxable charitable contributions to local charities by 25% as for now... and I'm going to build two new institutes for destitute children. One in Saltly, one in Digbeth. I've already identified the buildings. Two former workhouses. I want you to be in charge of the project.
— Why?
— Because I promised someone I was going to change the world.

— You're a businessman, Tommy. A good one. If only you could...
— If only i could what? "If only i could change?" Go on, say it. If only you could change the bad. And "the good" is laying off a thousand men, which i do, like a good businessman. And i do it like that, and people go hungry. And the bad, the bad's a fucking win on the horses and a gun and some fucking self-respect. You fucking people.

— There's been an accident.
— Why don't you move it out of the way?
— What?
— I said, why don't you clear it, so that we can get past?
— What's that accent?
— We're Americans. We're here on business.
— Well, you're going to have to wait. We waited for you fucking Yanks until 1918. It'll be clear in twenty minutes, all right? <...>
— 1918, what the fuck is he talking about?
— Talking about the war.

— Factories are shut, mines are shut, coal's running out. Did you ever consider the possibility that the communists might win? And you and me, traitors to our class, will be put up against a wall and shot.
— As a businessman, I consider all possibilities. But, Mr Devlin, I'm not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve.

— I could have killed you when I walked through the door. But, you see... I want you to be the last. I want you to be alive after your entire family is dead. Cos my mother says that is what'll hurt you the most. You people have traditions of honour. As do we. Instead of sending you a black hand, I could have had you killed in the night without knowing why. But I want you to know why. And I want to suggest to you that we fight this vendetta with honor.
— No civilians. No children.
— No police.
— Welcome to Birmingham, Mr Changretta.

— No one's laughing anymore, Ada. The Home Office is making provisions. This is part of those provisions.
— And how is Tommy Shelby OBE going to stoprevolution?
— Jessie Eden has accepted my invitation to dinner.
— Ah. Of course! I'm sorry, Tommy Shelby is going to stop the revolution with his cock!

Jessie Eden is a Communist.
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