Dismissal, Firing, Termination Quotes


Without me here this place is screwed
Y'all don't know half the shit I do
You shoulda understood from the get go
I oughta be runnin' this shithole
P.s, I pissed in the coffee pot
Took a big dump in the parking lot
Hid a dildo in the drawer
Kiss my ass
I'm out the door

I'm off to chase my dreams
Crush more pussy than you've ever seen
I guess what I really mean is

— Will they give you some money for being laid off and all?
— I don't know what the compensation scheme is for when you throw a guy out of a window, Ma. Guess I should have looked into that beforehand. Let me Google that.
— A couple of grand, maybe? You been there three years. Not counting the five years at the academy. Six... if you count the year you were held back.

— Bridget, you should know that there are lots of prospects here for a talanted person... for a person who, you know, perhaps for personal reasons, has been slightly overlooked professionally.
— Thank you, Daniel. That is very good to know, but if staying here means working within 10 yards of you, franckly, I'd rather have a job wiping saddam Hussein's ass.


The film was shot in 2001, when Saddam Hussein was considered a dictator and was the president of Iraq. He was executed later, in 2006.

Gareth Mallory: — No, what we call this is a retirement planning. Your country has the highest respect for you and your many years of service. When your current posting is completed, you'll be awarded to JSMG with full honors. Congratulations.
M: — You are firing me?
Gareth Mallory: — No, ma'am, I'm here to oversee the transition period leading to your voluntary retirement in two months' time.