Video Game Quotes

— What the fuck? Give me that motherfucking camera.
— Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Whoa! Back off there, cowboy. I know my constitutional rights. Anyway, I know you were coming here to suck cock, so it's alright.
— What the fuck you talkin' about?
— Whoa! Hey! Look, I saw "Quarterback Blues", man. And y'know, some of those older records of yours even they sound a little bit closeted, I'm just sayin'.
— What? A black man walking in Vinewood, you think the Clay PG Sellout? You bitch-ass punk motherfucker.
— Oh. Oh shit, man. Oh... Hey. I'm sorry, dude. I didn't, didn't have my contacts in... y'know. I mean, I love black people. Yeah, y'know like, like... I love gangsters! I love, like, gangster rap. "Yo! Sup!"
— Man, who gives a fuck if he's gay or not, man? The man is not married. It's his business. Leave motherfuckers alone.
— Look, I'm just sayin' that, that it's the hypocrisy that I can't stand. Y'know, I mean of celebrities. I mean PG... right, he says he's a killer and a murderer and all that great stuff and then, what? He loves his mother and likes showtunes. I mean, really, what kind of message is that sending our kids? You know what I'm sayin'? The guy's a fraud.
— But why do you care, man?
— Because, you know why? Because, they all think they're gods, right? Well fuck them. Fuck them! Fuck them! Fuck them, Fuck! Them! Fuck them. They're not magic. No, no, they're not better than me. They're not better than m... Shit... oh shit, oh my God, it's Miranda. Miranda, I love you! Miranda! Come on... c'mon, come on, it's fucking Miranda fucking Cowan!
— Man, look. Leave me out your shit, man. C'mon on, she's a fucking megastar! Oh, no, no, no! We can make beaucoup bucks here, man. We got one picture of her hairy legs, or her aging muff, and we are in the money, man. In the money, bro. Come on! Come on, man! Come on!
— Oh... what the fuck is wrong with me?
— Let's go! You drive, I'll get the shot.