Food Quotes


John Spartan: — Oh, God. This is fantastic. You guys gotta try one.
Lenina Huxley: — Just don't ask where the meat comes from.
John Spartan: — Huxley, what's that supposed to mean?
Lenina Huxley: — Do you see any cows around here, detective?
John Spartan: — Que es este carne?
Saleswoman: — Este carne es de rata!
John Spartan: — Rat? This is a rat burger? Not bad. As a matter of fact, it's the best burger I've had in years.

I remember going into the garden with my mother and picking tomatoes... Really ripe, red ones in August. Bringing them into the kitchen, still warm from the sun. She'd put slices on fresh bread, add good olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper and say: "Jacques, you'll never eat better". She was right. The best food in the world is straight from the garden with very little done to it. Authentic.

— And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
— They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?
— No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
— Then what do they call it?
— They call it a Royale with cheese.
— A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?
— Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac.

— M-m-m. This is good. This is really good. What is this?
— Uh, weed rat. Rotisserie style.
— No kidding. Well, this is delicious.
— Well, they're also great in stews. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean weed rat stew.
— I guess I'll be dining a little differently tomorrow night.
— Maybe you can come visit me in the swamp sometime. I'll cook all kinds of stuff for you. Swamp toad soup, fish eye tartare — you name it.
— I'd like that.