Contradiction Quotes


Je meurs de soif auprès de la fontaine;
Brûlant comme le feu, je tremble dent à dent!
En mon pays, je me trouve en exil;
Près d'un brasier, tout ardent je frissonne;
Nu comme un ver et pourtant vêtu en président,
Je ris en pleurs, et j'attends sans espérance;
Je reprends courage au milieu du plus triste désespoir;
Je me réjouis sans avoir aucun plaisir;
Je suis puissant sans avoir force ni autorité;
Bien recueilli tour à tour et repoussé de chacun.

Remember what it used to be like when-
When all we did was eat and f*ck
I let you shave my pussy
You let me, paint your dick.
You were always late for work
You said it didn't matter.
Then after a while,
I guess it — I guess it did start to matter

I've gotta stop drinkin' around men
They take advantage of me
And they'd all wanna use me,
But they're all satisfied now.

I've gotta stop drinkin' around men,
They just wanna bust a nut.
hate it when they use me
They have such little dicks.

I'm really drunk
There's nobody over
Why don't you come by?
You'll like it
You wanna stay up with me?
We can buy a pizza

I've gotta stop drinkin' around men,
They just wanna bust a nut.
hate it when they're on top and
They all have little dicks. I
Think I'll get out of town where-
Where a girl can find some peace of
Maybe move to another country where-
Where men aren't all so sexist.
Maybe if I hide in the closet
Maybe with a bottle of wine
I'll crack you on the noggin' -
We'll have a real wild time!

I stay inside my bed
I have lived so many lives all in my head.
And don't tell me that you care
There really isn't anything now, is there?

You would know, wouldn't you?
You extend your hand to those who suffer
To those who know what it really feels like
To those who've had a taste like that means something.

And oh so sick I am
And maybe I don't have a choice.
And maybe that is all I have?
And maybe this is a cry for help?