Choice Quotes


— You told me yourself I can't fight enemies within and without. So when enemies without come knocking, I need the city of Meereen behind me. I have no choice.
— Everyone has a choice. Even slaves have a choice, death or slavery.
— So what else can I do, hmm?
— Marry me instead.
— Even if I wanted to do such an inadvisable thing, I couldn't.
— Why not?
— You are queen. You can do what you like.
— No, I can't.
— Then you are the only person in Meereen who's not free.

Imagine you walk down the street... and you bump into three blokes carrying carpeting knives. Nah, they're not carpet fitters. They're after your wallet. Maybe even that gold watch... that you got for the highest arrest rate in the Southeast. One of the rats there even very kindly offered to carve their name in your face. Now, would you be more worried about whether you're gonna have a fight... than how it looks in the papers?