Americans Quotes


— There's been an accident.
— Why don't you move it out of the way?
— What?
— I said, why don't you clear it, so that we can get past?
— What's that accent?
— We're Americans. We're here on business.
— Well, you're going to have to wait. We waited for you fucking Yanks until 1918. It'll be clear in twenty minutes, all right? <...>
— 1918, what the fuck is he talking about?
— Talking about the war.

So you may not care, but you still carry the stereotype
You're like a good cop: you're still a cop, that's dramma enough
What do we care, who bombs us: Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump?
You know you try to standartize the world to see it normalized
Why? Why don't you stick inside, stay inside your turf and keep your globalized right
You wanna see my country burned? Wanna see it vulcanize?
Fine. The only shit you'll see in return is more!

— I feel bad for that lady, Bawbaw-Jahn.
— The woman's house was taken from her because she did not pay her taxes. That happens when one is not responsible. Do you understand? Do not feel bad. Americans, they do not deserve what they have. They have the eyes of small children who are forever looking for the next source of distraction, entertainment, sweet taste in the mouth.