Blonde (Good) – Character Quotes


— The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
— Why?
— We're going for a ride.
— Where?
— To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
— You're not going to give me the same treatment?
— Would you talk?
— No. Probably not.
— That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
— And Tuco? Is he...
— No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.

- The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
- Why?
- We're going for a ride.
- Where?
- To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
- You're not going to give me the same treatment?
- Would you talk?
- No. Probably not.
- That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
- And Tuco? Is he...
- No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.
- The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
- Why?
- We're going for a ride.
- Where?
- To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
- You're not going to give me the same treatment?
- Would you talk?
- No. Probably not.
- That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
- And Tuco? Is he...
- No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.

— Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
— Blue or grey?
— They're grey, like us. Let's say hello to them, then get going. Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name?
— Lee.
— Lee! God is with us because he hates the Yanks, too! Hurrah!
— God's not on our side, cos he hates idiots also.

- Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
- Blue or grey?
- They're grey, like us. Let's say hello to them, then get going. Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name?
- Lee.
- Lee! God is with us because he hates the Yanks, too! Hurrah!
- God's not on our side, cos he hates idiots also.
- Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
- Blue or grey?
- They're grey, like us. Let's say hello to them, then get going. Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name?
- Lee.
- Lee! God is with us because he hates the Yanks, too! Hurrah!
- God's not on our side, cos he hates idiots also.
- Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
- Blue or grey?
- They're grey, like us. Let's say hello to them, then get going. Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name?
- Lee.
- Lee! God is with us because he hates the Yanks, too! Hurrah!
- God's not on our side, cos he hates idiots also.
- Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
- Blue or grey?
- They're grey, like us. Let's say hello to them, then get going. Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name?
- Lee.
- Lee! God is with us because he hates the Yanks, too! Hurrah!
- God's not on our side, cos he hates idiots also.