Irvine Welsh — Quotes from Author's Books

Irvine Welsh
09/27/58 (65)
Films (Writer): 

They tell us that Nazis are weird, but thir probably nae weirder or mair perverted thin liberals. It wis jist thit times changed n every cunt flipped ower. It could happen anytime, anywhaire.

What were his ten rules?

1. Never hit a woman
2. Always back up your mates
3. Never scab
4. Never cross a picket line
5. Never grass friend for foe
6. Tell them nowt (them being polis, dole, social, journalists, council, census, etc.)
7. Never let a week by without investing in new vinyl
8. Give when you can, take only when you have to
9. If you feel high or low, mind that nothing good or bad lasts for ever and today's the start of the rest of your life
10. Give love freely, but be tighter with trust