Differences Quotes


— You motherfuckers.
— So, you killed one?
— Uh-uh. I killed two. Maybe three. I can't remember. Anyway, there's two different types of them out there. Hmm? Now they're similar, but they're different. It's kind of like the difference between dogs and wolves. The ones that are running things up there, the larger ones, hunt the smaller ones. It's some kind of blood feud, I guess. Been going on for a long time.
— They do this just for sport?
— Oh, yeah, they bring in fresh meat season after season. I mean, shit you wouldn't believe. Bring it in, and hunt it and kill it. In that order.
— How long you been here, man?
— Uh. . . Seven seasons, I think. What? Ten? Damn. Anyway, every once in a while, one of us kills one of them. And, let me tell you, that's when they get real interested. See, they learn quick. They adapt. They develop a whole new set of skills. They come back the next season in threes, always in threes. Their armor might've changed, or their weapons have changed, or their tactics have changed. It's amazing. So, it's like evolution. They're trying to make themselves into better killers.

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