Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 1, Episode 17]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

Newbie! The only way you could be less productive is if you were the wall on which you're leaning. But then you'd be providing some jackass with a wall on which to lean and reflect on what a jackass he is. I know. Here it's a conundrum. But don't you worry about it. I'll tackle that one right upstairs. In the meantime, you could pretend to be doing some work. And, even though you don't have your basket, it's just a terrific time for you to skip away, Shirley. Skip away. Skip away. Go ahead.

Newbie! The only way you could be less productive is if you were the wall on which you're leaning. But then you'd be providing some jackass with a wall on which to lean and reflect on what a jackass he is. I know. Here it's a conundrum. But don't you worry about it. I'll tackle that one right upstairs. In the meantime, you could pretend to be doing some work. And, even though you don't have your basket, it's just a terrific time for you to skip away, Shirley. Skip away. Skip away. Go ahead.
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