Walter White – Character Quotes


— You act like you're the first guy this ever happened to. I caught my second wife screwing my stepdad, okay? It's a cruel world, Walt. Grow up.
— I just wanted to talk to him.
— Yeah, well, now I'm talking to you. Consider this an intervention. You could have been arrested back there. You understand. I mean, speaking as your lawyer, I'm always looking for billable hours, but speaking as your business associate, I'm strongly advising that you get your shit together.

- You act like you're the first guy this ever happened to. I caught my second wife screwing my stepdad, okay? It's a cruel world, Walt. Grow up.
- I just wanted to talk to him.
- Yeah, well, now I'm talking to you. Consider this an intervention. You could have been arrested back there. You understand. I mean, speaking as your lawyer, I'm always looking for billable hours, but speaking as your business associate, I'm strongly advising that you get your shit together.
- You act like you're the first guy this ever happened to. I caught my second wife screwing my stepdad, okay? It's a cruel world, Walt. Grow up.
- I just wanted to talk to him.
- Yeah, well, now I'm talking to you. Consider this an intervention. You could have been arrested back there. You understand. I mean, speaking as your lawyer, I'm always looking for billable hours, but speaking as your business associate, I'm strongly advising that you get your shit together.

— See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
— So?
— So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
— All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
— Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?

- See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
- So?
- So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
- All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
- Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?
- See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
- So?
- So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
- All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
- Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?
- See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
- So?
- So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
- All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
- Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?
- See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
- So?
- So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
- All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
- Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?

— You may know a lot about chemistry, man, but you don't know jack about slinging dope.
— Well, I'll tell you, I know a lack of motivation when I see it. Oh, my... Come on, you've gotta be more imaginative, you know, just... Just think outside the box here. We have to move our product in bulk, wholesale. Now, how do we do that?
— What do you mean, to, like, a distributor?
— Yes. Yes, that's what we need. We need a distributor. Now, do you know anyone like that?
— Yeah, I mean, I used to, until you killed him.

- You may know a lot about chemistry, man, but you don't know jack about slinging dope.
- Well, I'll tell you, I know a lack of motivation when I see it. Oh, my... Come on, you've gotta be more imaginative, you know, just... Just think outside the box here. We have to move our product in bulk, wholesale. Now, how do we do that?
- What do you mean, to, like, a distributor?
- Yes. Yes, that's what we need. We need a distributor. Now, do you know anyone like that?
- Yeah, I mean, I used to, until you killed him.

— You are a blowfish.
— What?
— A blowfish. Think about it. Small in stature, not swift, not cunning. Easy prey for predators... but the blowfish has a secret weapon... doesn't he? Doesn't he? What does the blowfish do, Jesse? What does the blowfish do?
— I don't even know...
— The blowfish puffs up. The blowfish puffs himself up four, five times larger than normal. And why? Why does he do that? So that it makes him intimidating, that's why. Intimidating. So that the other scarier fish are scared off. And that's you. You are a blowfish. You see, it's just all an illusion. You see, it's nothing but air. Now who messes with the blowfish, Jesse?
— Nobody.

- You are a blowfish.
- What?
- A blowfish. Think about it. Small in stature, not swift, not cunning. Easy prey for predators... but the blowfish has a secret weapon... doesn't he? Doesn't he? What does the blowfish do, Jesse? What does the blowfish do?
- I don't even know...
- The blowfish puffs up. The blowfish puffs himself up four, five times larger than normal. And why? Why does he do that? So that it makes him intimidating, that's why. Intimidating. So that the other scarier fish are scared off. And that's you. You are a blowfish. You see, it's just all an illusion. You see, it's nothing but air. Now who messes with the blowfish, Jesse?
- Nobody.
- You are a blowfish.
- What?
- A blowfish. Think about it. Small in stature, not swift, not cunning. Easy prey for predators... but the blowfish has a secret weapon... doesn't he? Doesn't he? What does the blowfish do, Jesse? What does the blowfish do?
- I don't even know...
- The blowfish puffs up. The blowfish puffs himself up four, five times larger than normal. And why? Why does he do that? So that it makes him intimidating, that's why. Intimidating. So that the other scarier fish are scared off. And that's you. You are a blowfish. You see, it's just all an illusion. You see, it's nothing but air. Now who messes with the blowfish, Jesse?
- Nobody.