Eugene Tackleberry – Character Quotes

Eugene Tackleberry

Кадет/Офицер/Сержант Юджин Теклбери (англ.

Eugene Tackleberry) — ветеран военной службы, в прошлом «зелёный берет». Появлялся во всех семи фильмах, известен своей фанатичной любовью к огнестрельному оружию и армейским порядкам, а также тем, что во всех ситуациях, требующих быстрых решений и действий, он предпочитает действовать по-боевому. В академии стал инструктором по огневой подготовке. При всей своей брутальности Юджин неопытен в общении с женским полом, но во втором фильме он устраивает личную жизнь, влюбившись в свою напарницу. В роли Теклбери — Дэвид Граф.


Lassard: — What is the most frustrating thing about police work?
Tackleberry: — Not being able to carry hand grenades.
Callahan: — Separate locker rooms, sir.
Mahoney: — Icky blue uniforms.
Lassard: — I always thought that the most frustrating thing was that... we couldn't be everywhere at once to solve every crime.

<b>Lassard:</b>- What is the most frustrating thing about police work?
<b>Tackleberry:</b>- Not being able to carry hand grenades.
<b>Callahan:</b>- Separate locker rooms, sir.
<b>Mahoney:</b>- Icky blue uniforms.
<b>Lassard:</b>- I always thought that the most frustrating thing was that... we couldn't be everywhere at once to solve every crime.
<b>Lassard:</b>- What is the most frustrating thing about police work?
<b>Tackleberry:</b>- Not being able to carry hand grenades.
<b>Callahan:</b>- Separate locker rooms, sir.
<b>Mahoney:</b>- Icky blue uniforms.
<b>Lassard:</b>- I always thought that the most frustrating thing was that... we couldn't be everywhere at once to solve every crime.
<b>Lassard:</b>- What is the most frustrating thing about police work?
<b>Tackleberry:</b>- Not being able to carry hand grenades.
<b>Callahan:</b>- Separate locker rooms, sir.
<b>Mahoney:</b>- Icky blue uniforms.
<b>Lassard:</b>- I always thought that the most frustrating thing was that... we couldn't be everywhere at once to solve every crime.
<b>Lassard:</b>- What is the most frustrating thing about police work?
<b>Tackleberry:</b>- Not being able to carry hand grenades.
<b>Callahan:</b>- Separate locker rooms, sir.
<b>Mahoney:</b>- Icky blue uniforms.
<b>Lassard:</b>- I always thought that the most frustrating thing was that... we couldn't be everywhere at once to solve every crime.