Revenge Quotes


You and I seek the same thing. We are trying to establish the peace that Jiraiya Sensei so desired. You and I are not different at all. We each act according to our own sense justice. The justice I delivered to the Leaf Village is no different from what you are trying to do to me. The pain of losing something dear to you is the same. And both of us know that pain all too well. You have your justice, and I have mine. We are both ordinary men, driven to seek vengeance under the banner of justice. However, if there is justice in vengeance, then justice will only breed more vengeance. And trigger a cycle of hatred. We are living in the middle of such a phenomenom right now. We know what the past has been and we can predict what the future will be. That is history as we know it. So we cannot help but believe that human beings are incapable of understanding each other. The world of the ninja is ruled by hatred.

Episode 165

— You eνer heard about the Rat Cook?
— No. Who's he?
— Just a cook in the Night's Watch. He was angry at the King for something, I don't remember. When the King was νisiting the Nightfort, the cook killed the King's son, cooked him into a big pie with onions, carrots, mushrooms, and bacon. That night he served the pie to the King. He liked the taste of his son so much, he asked for a second slice. The Gods turned the cook
into a giant white rat who could only eat his own young. He's been roaming the Nightfort eνer since, deνouring his own babies. But no matter what he does, he's always hungry.
— If the Gods turned eνery killer into a giant white rat. . .
— It wasn't for murder the Gods cursed the Rat Cook or for serving the King's son in a pie. He killed a guest beneath his roof. That's something the Gods can't forgiνe.

— What are you doing?
— I'm dying.
— You can't die. You need to live to take revenge.
— I don't care about revenge.
— You coward. A little misfortune and you're giving up.
— Misfor... Misfortune?
— You lost your hand.
— My sword hand I was that hand.
— You have a taste, one taste of the real world where people have important things taken from them, and you whine and cry and quit.