Purpose Of Life Quotes


— Polnareff, have you ever wondered what people live for?
— People live by struggling with insecurity and fear for the sake of peace of soul. Seeks fame, rule over others, even accumulate wealth. All for the sake of peace of soul. Marriage and friendship are designed for peace of soul. When they help others, they affirm everything for the sake of peace and love, everything for the sake of peace of soul. Its achievement is the goal of all mankind.

When I was a kid, back when I watched heroes on TV and stuff, the hero said, "What is your happiness?" He absolutely hated ending without knowing what happiness was, he said. But no one knows the answer to the meaning of happiness. I thought, "Don't say scary stuff to kids that aren't even in grade school yet." To become rich? To be popular with girls? To get into a good school? To be respected? Of course, I'm sure that for many, that's what happiness is. But none of them are my happiness. I know... what my happiness is!

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