Sherlock – Series Quotes [Season 2]


— Oh, God! John, I need some. Get me some.
— No.
— Get me some.
— No. Cold turkey we agreed, no matter what. Anyway, you've paid everyone off, remember? No-one within a two miles radius will sell you any.
— Stupid idea. Whose idea was that?
— {clears throat}
— Mrs Hudson!
— Look, Sherlock, you're doing really well, don't give up now!
— Tell me where they are! Please, tell me. Please.
— Can't help, sorry.
— I'll let you know next week's lottery numbers.
— {he laughs}
— It was worth to try.

There was a man, a MOD official and I knew what he liked. One of the things he liked was showing off. He told me this email was going to save the world. He didn't know but I photographed it...he was a bit tied up at the time. It's a bit small on that screen, can you read it? Code, obviously. I had one of the contry's best cryptographers take a look, though he was mostly upside down, as I recall. Couldn't figure it out. What can you do, Mr Holmes? Go on, impress a girl.

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