Molly Hooper – Character Quotes

Molly Hooper
Quoted in: 

— What do you mean "gay"? We're together.
— And domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. You've put on three pounds since I last saw you.
— Two-and-a-haif.
— No, three.
— Sherlock.
— He's not gay! Why do you have to spoil..? He's not!
— With that level of personal grooming?
— Because he puts a bit of product in his hair? I put product in my hair.
— You wash your hair, there's a difference. No, no — tinted eyelashes, clear signs of taurine cream around the frown lines. Those tired, clubber's eyes. Then there's his underwear.
— His underwear?
— Visible above the waistline. Very visible. Very particular brend. Plus the extremely suggestive fact that he just left his number under the dish. I'd say you'd better break it off now and safe yourself the pain.

– You’re a bit like my dad. He’s dead. No, sorry.
– Molly, please don’t feel the need to make conversation. It’s really not your area.
– When he was... dying, he was always cheerful; he was lovely – except when he thought no-one could see. I saw him once. He looked sad.
– Molly...
– You look sad... when you think he can’t see you. Are you okay? And don’t just say you are, because I know what that means, looking sad when you think no-one can see you.
– You can see me.
– I don’t count. What I’m trying to say is that, if there’s anything I can do, anything you need, anything at all, you can have me. No, I just mean... I mean if there’s anything you need... It’s fine.
– What-what-what could I need from you?
Nothing. I dunno. You could probably say thank you, actually.
— ... Thank you.
– I’m just gonna go and get some crisps. Do you want anything? It’s okay, I know you don’t.
– Well, actually, maybe I’ll...
– Not necessary, I know.