Louisa Clark – Character Quotes

Quoted in: 

— Move closer, you smell fantstic. You never would've let those breasts so near to me if I wasn't in a wheelchair.
— Oh yeah, well... You never would've been looking at this breasts if you hadn't been in a wheelchair.<...> I would've been over there serving the drinks. One of the invisibles. Am I right?
— Yes, but in my defence I was an arse.

— I know this is not how you would have chosen it, but I can make you happy.
— No Clarke. This could be a good life, but it's not my life, it's not even close. You never saw me before. I loved my life. I really loved it. I can't be the kind of man who just accepts this.
— You're not giving it a chance, you're not giving me a chance. I have become a whole new person these last six months because of you.
— I know and that's why I can't have you tied to me. I don't want you to miss all the things that someone else can give you. And selfishly I don't what you to look at me one day and feel event the tiniest bit of regret or pity.
— I would never think that!
— You don't know that...