Lian-Chu – Character Quotes

Quoted in: 

— Where do we go when we`re dead?
— I don`t even know where we are when we`re alive. Let alone when we`re dead. I`m not the person to ask you know...
— We`re nowhere and everywhere at once. Because we never really die, Zaza. Our lives carry on with the memory of us, and all the things around us.
— Yeah, well, hold on there! You can`t possibly mean that dead people carry on living in... in... flowers for example?
— Yes, they do! Also in trees, rivers, in the wind... Zaza, don`t be sad anymore. Feathers will always be around here, looking at you, thinking about you.
— I knew it. Thank you, Lian-Chu.

— It can't be sleeping sickness or soporific syndrome or even drowsy droop, nope. Otherwise the lurks spittle would have woken her up. Yeah I'm coming to think this must be the work of a dragon. Whoa i've never seen anything like it before.
— [Quietly] That's so revelation. You can't even see his nose.
— It might be the petrovile, a dragon that lives on the deserted island of Petrock.
— A petrovile?
— I thought they only existed in legends.
— No-no-no, they're real enough!
— When legends some to life, people live in strife.
— So, what did you drag and look like is he? Fat, ugly, slimy, wings on his back? How many fingernails he got?
— M-m-m-m... Don't know.
— Why'd he come here if he lives down there watching Petrock island?
— Yeah... No, no, no.
— And how does he do this to people?
— Well i don't know that one either. I can't know all the answers, my specialty is medicine, not dragons!
— Okay. Well how do we unfreeze our friends?
— Yeah, you'll mean their remedy. Hm-m-m... Let me see... Yeah, thank you... Yeah, I... I have no idea. But i do know that with a specimen from the dragon i can concoct a cure... i hope.

- It can't be sleeping sickness or soporific syndrome or even drowsy droop, nope. Otherwise the lurks spittle would have woken her up. Yeah I'm coming to think this must be the work of a dragon. Whoa i've never seen anything like it before.
- [Quietly] That's so revelation. You can't even see his nose. 
- It might be the petrovile, a dragon that lives on the deserted island of Petrock. 
- A petrovile? 
- I thought they only existed in legends.
- No-no-no, they're real enough!
- When legends some to life, people live in strife.
- So, what did you drag and look like is he? Fat, ugly, slimy, wings on his back? How many fingernails he got?
- M-m-m-m... Don't know.
- Why'd he come here if he lives down there watching Petrock island?
- Yeah... No, no, no.
- And how does he do this to people?
- Well i don't know that one either. I can't know all the answers, my specialty is medicine, not dragons!
- Okay. Well how do we unfreeze our friends?
- Yeah, you'll mean their remedy. Hm-m-m... Let me see... Yeah, thank you... Yeah, I... I have no idea. But i do know that with a specimen from the dragon i can concoct a cure... i hope.