Sentenza «Angel Eyes» / The Bad – Character Quotes

Sentenza «Angel Eyes» / The Bad

Сентенца — играет Ли ван Клиф. В «На несколько долларов больше» он (полковник Мортимер) драматический персонаж, мстящий за сестру. Суров и по-отечески добр. Дерется и шмаляет на стороне Манко, а все добытые ими деньги оставляет Клинту. Говорит он куда больше Блондинчика, отчего фразы не столь выразительны, но встречаются и достойные опусы. Герой ван Клифа во втором фильме — положительный, а в начальных титрах «Хорошего, плохого, злого» он прямо обозначен как «Плохой» и получает красивое прозвище Ангельские Глазки (итал.

Sentenza). Но по сравнению с хорошим полковником из предыдущего фильма сильно персонаж ван Клифа не меняется. По-прежнему суров и беспощаден. Та же ухмылка и даже тот же костюмчик.


— You were captured near Fort Craig? If you were with Sibley, that means you were coming from Santa Fe. Was it hard crossing the desert?
— Mm-hm. Very hard. Especially if you don't have anything to drink.
— Why are you going under the name of Bill Carson now?
— One name is as good as another. Not wise to use your own name. Like you. I bet they don't call you Angel Eyes. Sergeant Angel Eyes!
— Like a little music with your meal, Tuco?
— Music? Yes, it's very good. Very good for the digestion.

- You were captured near Fort Craig? If you were with Sibley, that means you were coming from Santa Fe. Was it hard crossing the desert?
- Mm-hm. Very hard. Especially if you don't have anything to drink.
- Why are you going under the name of Bill Carson now?
- One name is as good as another. Not wise to use your own name. Like you. I bet they don't call you Angel Eyes. Sergeant Angel Eyes!
- Like a little music with your meal, Tuco?
- Music? Yes, it's very good. Very good for the digestion.

— The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
— Why?
— We're going for a ride.
— Where?
— To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
— You're not going to give me the same treatment?
— Would you talk?
— No. Probably not.
— That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
— And Tuco? Is he...
— No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.

- The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
- Why?
- We're going for a ride.
- Where?
- To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
- You're not going to give me the same treatment?
- Would you talk?
- No. Probably not.
- That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
- And Tuco? Is he...
- No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.
- The war's over for you. Put those clothes on.
- Why?
- We're going for a ride.
- Where?
- To find 200,000 dollars. I know the name of the cemetery now. And you know the name of the grave.
- You're not going to give me the same treatment?
- Would you talk?
- No. Probably not.
- That's what I thought. Not that you're any tougher than Tuco, but you're smart enough to know that talking won't save you.
- And Tuco? Is he...
- No. Not yet. But he's in very good hands. You've changed partners, but you've still got the same deal. I'm not greedy. I'm only taking half. There's two of us. Should make it easier than just one.