Dragon Hunters

Germany, Luxembourg, France
Action, Cartoon, Fantasy

A fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters!

— Where do we go when we`re dead?
— I don`t even know where we are when we`re alive. Let alone when we`re dead. I`m not the person to ask you know...
— We`re nowhere and everywhere at once. Because we never really die, Zaza. Our lives carry on with the memory of us, and all the things around us.
— Yeah, well, hold on there! You can`t possibly mean that dead people carry on living in... in... flowers for example?
— Yes, they do! Also in trees, rivers, in the wind... Zaza, don`t be sad anymore. Feathers will always be around here, looking at you, thinking about you.
— I knew it. Thank you, Lian-Chu.

— Listen, Jennyline, your vegetable garden is a swell idea, but let me remind you though that we`re dragon hunters not gardeners!
— Speaking of reminder, i don`t seem to recall the last time you brought back a dragon, Gwizdo.
— Hah, that`s a good one! How is supposed to hunt? We spent our time plowing, digging, planting... And a hunter is a warrior, not a peasant! A warrior needs rest in a quiet environment! You get it?
— You`re right and he needs to eat incidentally.
— There`s sumply no arguing with you.

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