Фильмы — jmmakl's Quotes Collection

— Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? Because I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.
— I'm sorry, just give me a moment... to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Okay. Well, how big is the universe?
— Infinite.
— How do you know?
— Because all the data indicates it.
— But it hasn't been proven yet?
— No.
— You haven't seen it.
— No.
— How do you know for sure?
— I don't, I just believe it.
— It's the same with love, I guess.

- Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? Because I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.
- I'm sorry, just give me a moment... to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Okay. Well, how big is the universe?
- Infinite.
- How do you know?
- Because all the data indicates it.
- But it hasn't been proven yet?
- No.
- You haven't seen it.
- No.
- How do you know for sure?
- I don't, I just believe it.
- It's the same with love, I guess.
- Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? Because I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.
- I'm sorry, just give me a moment... to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Okay. Well, how big is the universe?
- Infinite.
- How do you know?
- Because all the data indicates it.
- But it hasn't been proven yet?
- No.
- You haven't seen it.
- No.
- How do you know for sure?
- I don't, I just believe it.
- It's the same with love, I guess.

You know, if you could clear out all that space in your mind that you're using to obsess over this guy and your failed marriage, you'd have a vacuum with a doorway. And you know what the universe would do with that doorway? Rush in. God would rush in. Fill you with more love than you ever dreamed of. Man. Groceries. I think you have the capacity someday to love the whole world.

If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments and set out on a truth-seeking journey either externally or internally and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself then the truth will not be withheld from you.