Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 1, Episode 13]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

Since we said ''I love you'', I've been feeling all this pressure. And wondering about the future. Our future. Are we gonna get married? Are we gonna have kids? If so, when will I get my figure back? Where are we gonna live? Will my mother live with us? How big a house? How many bathrooms? What if she walks in on you while you're in the bathroom, you fall, and I can't afford the funeral costs?

Since we said ''I love you'', I've been feeling all this pressure. And wondering about the future. Our future. Are we gonna get married? Are we gonna have kids? If so, when will I get my figure back? Where are we gonna live? Will my mother live with us? How big a house? How many bathrooms? What if she walks in on you while you're in the bathroom, you fall, and I can't afford the funeral costs?
Since we said ''I love you'', I've been feeling all this pressure. And wondering about the future. Our future. Are we gonna get married? Are we gonna have kids? If so, when will I get my figure back? Where are we gonna live? Will my mother live with us? How big a house? How many bathrooms? What if she walks in on you while you're in the bathroom, you fall, and I can't afford the funeral costs?
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