13 Reasons Why – Series Quotes [Season 4, Episode 3]

13 Reasons Why
2017 – ...
«If you're listening, you're too late»
Detective, Drama

Follows teenager Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush, Hannah, and her decision to end her life.

Love has only fucked up my love, has made me question my relationships, my closest friends. And God knows, love has made my closest friends question me. So you know what? Fuck love.

An unknown person called Clay and threatened his girlfriend. To protect her, he went to meet the unknown, where he was framed and doused with blood. In this form, he went out to friends who were afraid of him.

What I can tell you is this. Courage on the field doesn't mean shit unless you have the courage to stand up to each other when you're being fucking dicks. Or when you're bragging that hot chick you were banging last night. Or calling us "lady" like you're a gentleman, but really, you're just trying to diminish us. Standing up to that kind of bullshit, that's what it means to be a man.

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