Bruce Almighty – Movie Quotes

«The guy next door just became the man upstairs»
Drama, Comedy, Fantasy

A guy who complains about God too often is given almighty powers to teach him how difficult it is to run the world.

Parting your soup is not a miracle, Bruce. It's a magic trick. A single mom who's working two jobs and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that's a miracle. A teenager who says «no» to drugs and «yes» to an education, that's a miracle. People want me to do everything for them. But what they don't realize is they have the power. You wanna see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.

— What do you really care about?
— Grace.
— Grace. You want her back?
— No. I want her to be happy. No matter what that means. I want her to find someone who will treat her with all the love she deserved from me. I want her to meet someone who will see her always as I do now through your eyes.
— Now, that's a prayer.

— Okay, I screwed up. Can I make it up to you?
— Yeah! Why don't you get me a boat, Bruce.
— What?
— Yeah, a big boat. And then maybe two big bags of cash. Then... Then I'll be happy. Lots of money and lots of stuff. Other people want idiotic crap like getting married or having babies with the man that they've loved for five years. But not me, Bruce. Just give me the boat.

God is a mean kid, sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. He could fix my life in five minutes if he wanted to, but he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm!

— Wait. Don't come near me. When I'm backed into a corner, I'm like a wild animal. I don't wanna hurt you, but I will, out of instinct.
— You haven't won a fight since grade five, and that was against a girl.
— Yeah, but she was huge. She had been held back.
— And the sun was in your eyes.

— You must be Bruce. I've been expecting you.
— This is hilarious. So you're the boss and the electrician and the janitor? Must be a killer Christmas party. Don't get drunk, though. One of you might need a ride home.

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