Jordan O'Neill – Character Quotes

Jordan O'Neill
Quoted in: 

— So, isn't the President jumping on your bandwagon?
— What he did was light the bandwagon on fire. Because he knows what I know... that American families are not prepared to put their daughters in harm's way.
— You don't know that.
— In face, I do: Roper, Harris, Gallop — they all come back the same.
— What are you saying? That a women's life is more valuable than a man's? That a women's death hurts a family more?
— I'm saying it's not going to happen. Not when the President is set to turn this into a third-rail issue should I choose to even campaign against him.
— Can you honestly tell me you wanted that life? Squat-pissing in some third-world jungle with...
— I wanted the choice.

But most of all, lieutenant, I resent your perfume, however subtle it may be, competing with the aroma of my fine three-dollar-and-fifty-nine cent cigar, which I will happily put out this very instant if the phallic nature of it happens to offend your goddamn fragile sensibilities. Does it?

— But most of all, what I resent is your perfume, however subtle it may be, competing with the aroma of my fine $3.59 cigar, which I will put out this instant if the phallic nature of it happens to offend your goddamned fragile sensibilities! Does it?
— No, sir Chief of Staff.
— «No, sir», what?
— The shape doesn't bother me, sir. Just the goddamned sweet stench.