Clay Jensen – Character Quotes


Love has only fucked up my love, has made me question my relationships, my closest friends. And God knows, love has made my closest friends question me. So you know what? Fuck love.

An unknown person called Clay and threatened his girlfriend. To protect her, he went to meet the unknown, where he was framed and doused with blood. In this form, he went out to friends who were afraid of him.

— You stalked her!
— I'm the student life photographer, okay? I stalk everybody. It's my job.
— That means you stand outside everyone's windows and take pictures when they...
— No, it doesn't mean that.
— That's a relief. 'Cause a first-time offence is only six months in jail, but for repaet offenders, that's a year.
— That's not a thing.
— Criminal invasion of a minor's privacy. Look it up. I don't think they'll let you have a camera in prison, but maybe you can draw pictures.
— I'm not a criminal.
— You are.
— No!
— And you're a creep.
— I just took pictures.
— You humiliated her.
— I didn't mean to.
— You ruined her!
— I loved her! And I know I barely knew her, but I... I saw her. Most people, you put a camera on them, and they smile. They pose. They basically fake it. You don't see them, you see their mask. Whenever my camera was on Hannah, she was...different. Like, real, and... I fell in love with that. Real... So, yeah, I took pictures of her, but that's because girls like that don't hang out with their yearbook guy, with me.

Of course, I keep secrets. Everybody does. It's called survival. The trick is keeping track of which secrets are which, and what lies go with them...and who helped you with which lie. Then there's the secrets you know nothing about, that you're not even a part of... that are eventually going to show up and bite you in the ass. And then what you do about the person who shares your secrets, but no longer shares your life? I've got enough secrets. I have a hard enough time with the secrets I already have.