Fritz Teufel – Character Quotes

Fritz Teufel
Quoted in: 

— Safranek? Another little accident..?
— I was shaving, sir..
— But your hand!
— Yes I had the razor in it, sir.
— Poor Safranek... You have a string of bad luck on you. I hope I didn't hurt you in any way.
— Not at all, sir.
— What a relief. You know... Cooperation between boss and inferiors is the key to success.
— You're absolutely right, sir.
— You may go now, Safranek.
— And please give my regards to your lovely wife.
— Thank you sir, but she's been living with you for a year now.

- Safranek? Another little accident..?
- I was shaving, sir..
- But your hand!
- Yes I had the razor in it, sir.
- Poor Safranek... You have a string of bad luck on you. I hope I didn't hurt you in any way.
- Not at all, sir.
- What a relief. You know... Cooperation between boss and inferiors is the key to success.
- You're absolutely right, sir.
- You may go now, Safranek.
- And please give my regards to your lovely wife.
- Thank you sir, but she's been living with you for a year now.
- Safranek? Another little accident..?
- I was shaving, sir..
- But your hand!
- Yes I had the razor in it, sir.
- Poor Safranek... You have a string of bad luck on you. I hope I didn't hurt you in any way.
- Not at all, sir.
- What a relief. You know... Cooperation between boss and inferiors is the key to success.
- You're absolutely right, sir.
- You may go now, Safranek.
- And please give my regards to your lovely wife.
- Thank you sir, but she's been living with you for a year now.