Peaky Blinders – Series Quotes [Season 5, Episode 6]

Peaky Blinders
2013 – ...
«The streets are theirs.»
United Kingdom
Drama, Crime

A gangster family epic set in 1900s England, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby.

She just stepped into the canal... It was me trying to stop her, for three days. In the end, she did it anyway.
— Did she say why?
Nothing that made sense.
— Tell me the things that didn't make sense.
— She said it were the Gypsies made the nails for Jesus's cross. That's why we're cursed and restless. You have to move around or the guilt catches up with you. <...> And then she was gone... You see, I was in love with her, Tom. No one knew but me. Broke my fucking heart to pull her from the cut. You know, your grandfather, he went the same way. Suicide. Sometimes, these things run in the family. Fuck family, Tom. You just have to get on with it. You're a Gypsy. You have to move around, or it all catches up with you.

Charlie tells Tom about his mother's death.

— You are forming an alliance with a fascist. So I made some enquiries amongst the worst people in Whitehall, and I found out that you are not forming an alliance with him at all. You are spying on him.
— Yes.
— Why?
— The honest answer is... I'm no longer sure.
— Did you dig your own garden, Mr Shelby? <...> ...there are certain species of weed that no matter how much you tug at them, poison them, they continue to grow back. In the end, the only solution is to plough up the top soil, create a field of mud and blow up and burn the exposed tap roots. That's what you and I did in France. But when I hear that man Mosley speak, I see the green shoots of another war growing up around his feet. And you see exactly the same thing I do. That's why you oppose him.

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