
— You know what I want... so spill.
— Well, I need paying first.
— What do you have in mind?
— Serious. Serious money.
— Serious money? What, like the time of benefit?
— Yeah.
— Bony fucker, aren't ya? You don't have the brains of a chicken, do you? I doubt you have any real Irish blood in you, Radnor. Me, I'm a wild streak and a
Celt. Makes me unpredictable. Them Irish. Did you know they invented kneecap? It's a nasty business. They fix you up as best they can... but you'll always have a limp. How does that sound? Radnor the gimp. How does that go down in your retirement package?

- You know what I want... so spill.
- Well, I need paying first.
- What do you have in mind?
- Serious. Serious money.
- Serious money? What, like the time of benefit?
- Yeah.
- Bony fucker, aren't ya? You don't have the brains of a chicken, do you? I doubt you have any real Irish blood in you, Radnor. Me, I'm a wild streak and a
Celt. Makes me unpredictable. Them Irish. Did you know they invented kneecap? It's a nasty business. They fix you up as best they can... but you'll always have a limp. How does that sound? Radnor the gimp. How does that go down in your retirement package?
- You know what I want... so spill.
- Well, I need paying first.
- What do you have in mind?
- Serious. Serious money.
- Serious money? What, like the time of benefit?
- Yeah.
- Bony fucker, aren't ya? You don't have the brains of a chicken, do you? I doubt you have any real Irish blood in you, Radnor. Me, I'm a wild streak and a
Celt. Makes me unpredictable. Them Irish. Did you know they invented kneecap? It's a nasty business. They fix you up as best they can... but you'll always have a limp. How does that sound? Radnor the gimp. How does that go down in your retirement package?