Jack Trainer – Character Quotes

Quoted in: 

You're like one of those crazed cops. The kind nobody wants to ride with, whose partners all end up dead or crazy.

— How'd you get this scar?
— Some guy pulled a knife in Detroit.
— Really?
— No. No. I was 19 and I thought it'd be cool to have a pierced ear. My girlfriend stuck the needle through and I fainted and hit my chin on the toilet.
— Have you been telling that story ever since?
— You're the only one who knows the true story.
— Except the girlfriend.
— I had her disappear. It's too bad. Nice girl. Real shame.

— As a matter of fact, I'm gonna see Trask himself tomorrow. I feel that we're strong enough to go right to him.
— Where are we meeting him? What time?
— He's not expecting both of us.
— Are you trying to fly this thing without me?
— No. I wouldn't do that.
— You go and set up this meeting without me. What the hell kind of a way to do business is this?
— Would you calm down?
— How am I supposed to calm down? One lost deal is all it takes to get canned these days. The line buttons on my phone all have an inch of little pieces of tape piled on. The names of new guys over old guys. Good men who aren't at the other end of the line any more, all cos of one lost deal. I don't wanna get buried under a little piece of tape.
— No one's trying to do that.