Fio Piccolo – Character Quotes

1 quote
Fio Piccolo

Фио Пикколо (Fio Piccolo) — 17-летняя девушка, талантливый инженер-авиастроитель. Выросла в Америке, но затем переехала в Милан, чтобы помогать своему деду управлять мастерской по производству гидросамолётов.

Несмотря на возраст, Фио очень опытный авиамеханик. К своей работе относится с увлечением. Отец Фио служил в итальянских ВВС под командование капитана Марко Паготта, поэтому она слышала о нём множество невероятных историй. Восхищается Порко Россо и хочет помочь ему избавиться от проклятья. Соглашается отремонтировать самолёт Порко, разбитый после его встречи с Кёртисом.

My grandpa always said there's no finer people. Their hearts are washed clean by both sea and sky. So they're braver than sailors and prouder than regular pilots. <...> The most precious thing to them isn't money or women, it's honor. <...> Haven't you any shame?! You need an American to come and save you? Your mothers would weep! And tell you to take a bath! Porco's come back to go one-on-one with Curtiss. For the honor of the seaplane pilots of the Adriatic! A man without honor or scruples is nothing! Fight fair!

My grandpa always said there's no finer people. Their hearts are washed clean by both sea and sky. So they're braver than sailors and prouder than regular pilots. <...> The most precious thing to them isn't money or women, it's honor. <...> Haven't you any shame?! You need an American to come and save you? Your mothers would weep! And tell you to take a bath! Porco's come back to go one-on-one with Curtiss. For the honor of the seaplane pilots of the Adriatic! A man without honor or scruples is nothing! Fight fair!
My grandpa always said there's no finer people. Their hearts are washed clean by both sea and sky. So they're braver than sailors and prouder than regular pilots. <...> The most precious thing to them isn't money or women, it's honor. <...> Haven't you any shame?! You need an American to come and save you? Your mothers would weep! And tell you to take a bath! Porco's come back to go one-on-one with Curtiss. For the honor of the seaplane pilots of the Adriatic! A man without honor or scruples is nothing! Fight fair!
My grandpa always said there's no finer people. Their hearts are washed clean by both sea and sky. So they're braver than sailors and prouder than regular pilots. <...> The most precious thing to them isn't money or women, it's honor. <...> Haven't you any shame?! You need an American to come and save you? Your mothers would weep! And tell you to take a bath! Porco's come back to go one-on-one with Curtiss. For the honor of the seaplane pilots of the Adriatic! A man without honor or scruples is nothing! Fight fair!