Uniqueness Quotes


1 in 68 children in this country are diagnosed with a form of autism. But if you can put aside for a moment what your pediatrician and all the other NT's have said about your son... What if we're wrong? What if we've been using the wrong tests to quantify intelligence in children with autism? Your son's not less-than. He's different. Now, your expectations for your son may change over time, they might include marriage, children, self-sufficiency. They might not. But I guarantee you, if we let the world set expectations for our children, they'll start low, and they'll stay there. And maybe... Just maybe... He doesn't understand how to tell us. Or... we haven't yet learned how to listen.

How many percentages of people believe that they are intelligent beings?... But their lives tend to flow into the channel to which their instinct led them. Is it possible to consider your life lived reasonable if you followed the lead of instinct, not reason. Is your merit strong in reasonable reflection between global actions, if, as a result, the main picture turns out to be a carbon copy, being diametrically opposed to the unique picture of intelligent life.

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