— I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. Is that why?
— That's the real question, isn't it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia, keeps them guessing, like a game. Prevents them from asking the most important question: why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?

- I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. Is that why?
- That's the real question, isn't it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia, keeps them guessing, like a game. Prevents them from asking the most important question: why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?
- I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. Is that why?
- That's the real question, isn't it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia, keeps them guessing, like a game. Prevents them from asking the most important question: why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?