Cult Of The Lamb – Video Game Quotes


He waits by the rocks of the darkened sea, at the foot of the long, sudden drop. Within the maw of pointed-teeth beasts, the stutter of the heart, then stopped... He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder. But as millennia wore on, he grew discontent with his role. He began to question. He was gluttonous in his ambition. And in my imprudence I loved him. For it, I lost my mind. For it, he lost his freedom. Can you fathom such betrayal, Lamb? Of your own turned against you? Would you like to find out? He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder.

Shamura was weak, not wise. Their vision was too small to contain the multitudes of one such as I. The time has come to free me. You shall have the honour of returning the Red Crown to its true bearer. I admit, you have worn it almost as well as I could have myself. Your appetite for death is something I can admire, Vessel. But the Crown is mine, and none — NONE — are worthy. None other than I. You shall lay down your life and return to me what is mine. After millennia, all may bask in my glory once more. But it cannot be done here. The final gate awaits. Hurry now, the time is at hand.

Preaching sermons, performing rituals and providing for the needs of your Followers will keep their Faith high. The Bones of your enemies are required to perform such Rituals. Destroy their skeletons to gather their bones. Returns to the lands of the Old Faith, gather bones from fallen enemies, recruit more Followers and return to perform a Ritual here in the Temple.

Indotrinating followers is well and good, but there is so much more you can take from them. Give them gifts, complete quests and performing blessings for them and you will increase their Loyalty to you. Once they are totally loyal to you, they will give you everything they own. Watch as I show you. You, Follower, come back in here! The more loyal Followers you have, the stronger you'll become. I have much to teach you, but I am old and grow weary. Visit me at my home and I will show you how to harness the true POWER of the Red Crown!

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