Captain Wentworth – Character Quotes

1 quote

— Of course. I remember Captain Benwick. He's engaged to Harville's sister.
— I'm sorry to have to tell you that she died last summer while Benwick was out at the Cape.
— Oh, no. How dreadful.
— Yes. Five years they waited for a fortune to satisfy her family. Now he has it, of course, but too late. Much too late.

- Of course. I remember Captain Benwick. He's engaged to Harville's sister.
- I'm sorry to have to tell you that she died last summer while Benwick was out at the Cape.
- Oh, no. How dreadful.
- Yes. Five years they waited for a fortune to satisfy her family. Now he has it, of course, but too late. Much too late.
- Of course. I remember Captain Benwick. He's engaged to Harville's sister.
- I'm sorry to have to tell you that she died last summer while Benwick was out at the Cape.
- Oh, no. How dreadful.
- Yes. Five years they waited for a fortune to satisfy her family. Now he has it, of course, but too late. Much too late.