Trading places

— This is my stuff and my place, huh? I can do what I want with this stuff, right? This is my vase here, right? This is Billy Ray's vase, right? I own this vase. And I can play like Harlem
Globetrotters shit with it, right? Okay, you want Meadowlark Lemon shit, right? Hey, man, I'm sorry about that.
— Perfectly all right, William, it was your vase.
— That's a cheap vase, man. That was a fake, right?
— I think we paid $35,000 for it. But I seem to remember we estimated its value at $50,000 for the insurance company. You see, Mortimer? William has already made us a profit of $15,000.
— You want me to break something else?
— No.
