Ghostbusters II – Movie Quotes

Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Sequels and prequels: 

The discovery of a massive river of ectoplasm and a resurgence of spectral activity allows the staff of Ghostbusters to revive the business.

— Dr. Venkman... would you please tell the court why it is that you and your co-defendants took it upon yourselves to dig a very big hole in the middle of First Avenue.
— Well, there's so many holes in First Avenue we really didn't think anyone would notice.

— Dana, did you see some shirts here in the floor-bed area?
— Yeah, I put them in the hamper.
— I have a hamper?!
— Yeah, it's in the bathroom.
— Neat. Will you tell me next time you're gonna do that, though, please?
— Well, I thought they were dirty.
— I have more than two grades of laundry, okay?
— There's not just clean and dirty. There are many subtle levels, okay?
— You hang this outside the window for 20 minutes, it's perfectly fine.

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