Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie) – Quotes

10/24/89 (34)

I'm disappointed in myself because it seems like I've learned nothing from all these past controversies and it's not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it; that's not it at all. I'm just an idiot–but that doesn't make what I said or how I said it okay. It was not okay. I'm really sorry if I offended, hurt, or disappointed anyone with all of this.

Don't be a salad. Be the best goddamn broccoli you could ever be.

I really want to improve myself and better myself, not just for me, but for anyone that looks up to me or anyone that's influenced by me.

You probably won't believe me when I say this, but whenever I go online and I hear other players use the same kind of language that I did I always find it extremely immature and stupid, and I hate how I now personally fed into that part of gaming as well. It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out, and I'm not gonna make any excuses to why it did, because there are no excuses for it.

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