Profession Quotes


John Dorian: — You're an actor.
Janitor: — You're a fireman... What are we doing?
John Dorian:Game over, Klaus. I saw you in «The Fugitive».
Janitor: — Oh, yeah. I was in a Harrison Ford movie, but I chose this life instead. It's a little more glamorous.
Dr. Bob Kelso: — Hey, champ. There's some vomit on the back steps with your name on it.
Janitor: — That's my cue. Action!
John Dorian: — Cut.

I guess I became a doctor because ever since I was a little boy, I just wanted to help people. I don't tell this story very often, but I remember when I was seven years old, I found a bird that had fallen out of its nest. So, I picked him up and I brought him home, and I made him a house out of an empty shoebox, and... My God! I became a doctor for the same four reasons everybody does: Chicks, money, power and chicks.