Luxury Quotes


— My father was a cobbler. He died when I was young and I took over his shop. He was a simple man and he made simple shoes. But I found that the more work I put into my shoes, the more people wanted them. You know, fine leather, ornamentation, detailing, and time. Time, most of all. Dozens of hours spent on a single pair.
Quality takes time.
— Yes. I imagine you've worn a year of someone's life on your back.

– I shouldn't mind living in such a fine house and having nice things… Oh, it doesn't seen like Christmas this year without presents.
– I'm desperate for drawing pencils...
– I wish I didn't have to work for Great-Aunt March... That crabby old miser.
– And you, Beth... What's your Christmas wish?
– I'd like the war to end so father can come home...
– Oh, sweet Beth. We all want that.

Sir Thomas Bertram: — A little abstinence from the luxuries of Mansfield Park might bring your mind into a more sober state. Is that your choice, young woman?
Fanny Price: — Yes. It is.
Edmund Bertram: — Why, Fanny?
Fanny Price: — To be at home again... to be loved by my family, to feel affection without fear or restraint and... to feel myself the equal of those that surround me.