Information Quotes


When you're learning, what you want to do is study something. Study it hard by focusing intently. Then take a break or at least change your focus to something different for awhile. During this time of seeming relaxation, your brain's diffuse mode has a chance to work away in the background and help you out with your conceptual understanding. Your, your neural mortar in some sense has a chance to dry. If you don't do this, if instead, you learn by cramming, your knowledge base will look more like this, all in a jumble with everything confused, a poor foundation.

— You'd have to keep a thing like this underwraps. I mean, just think about it, okay? First, the stock market would go. Then the economy, boom! The dollar, boom! And then pandemonium in the streets. War, genocide, ba-ba-ba-ba, boom, boom, boom!
— Bullshit. Nobody could keep that big a secret, Charlie. Somebody would blow the whistle.
— And every once in a while, some poor little sucker tries. Well, like these guys, boom, boom! [pulls down a screen of posted obituaries] Every one of these guys, dead, dead, dead.
— [notices one of them] Whoa, whoa, whoa! That's Professor Meyers.
— He ran the Atlantis shuttle program. Why, did you know him?
— Yeah, he helped me with research on my book.
— Well, that must have been before this "accident."
— Meyers is dead?
— Oh, two months ago. He was one of my most avid listeners and he had it all figured out. Everything the government was doing, where and why... He even sent me a map.
— A map for what Charlie? What's the map for?
— They're building spaceships, man.
Shit, man, I have to go because I gotta get back to Earth.