Drugs Quotes


— You had any drugs in the last 24 hours?
— No. Well, I guess I snorted some coke and smoked some pot... but that was just to make the Ecstasy last longer.
— Sure you're not forgetting anything?
— Maybe a few beers.
— Did you ever think you might have a substance-abuse problem?
— The only substance problem I have is I need you to give me some tranqs... so I can come down off this fucking coke.

— See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth... that's 70 percent pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1 percent pure.
— So?
— So it's grade school T-ball... versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid... off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is Classic Coke.
— All right. Okay. So if we just waste you right here right now... and leave you in the desert... then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works? There's only us.
— Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?