Drama Quotes


If there’s any trick to doing a job you hate... Mrs. Clark says it’s to find a job you hate even more.
After you find a bigger task to dread, the little chores will be a breeze. Here’s another reason to have a devil on hand. It does make all the little demons more. . . bearable. Another Mrs. Clark extension to the theories of Mr. Whittier.
We love drama. We love conflict. We need a devil or we’ll create one.

— Well told, Tom! More dim-witted fiction to clutter the world.
— Come now, Mr. Bertram. Drama is to life what ships are to the sea. A means to traverse it. To plumb its depths, breadth and beauty.
— I couldn't agree more. Good drama, in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the liveliest wit, are conveyed to the world through the best chosen language. This is essential. This is trash!