Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 8, Episode 7]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

— Listen, if he wanted to find a place to hide your patient, he could. He's just stressed and out of his elements, and, hell, he's scared. And even if he hasn't realized it, this job is changing him already, because it comes with a whole host of overwhelming responsibilities, including keeping this hospital afloat.
— I'd help him if he'd let me, but you know he won't.
— When I was Chief, if Dr. Cox came to me and complained about something I would automatically say «no». And if he never complained again, I'd know it wasn't that important. But if he came back and fought for it over and over, I knew it was something that I'd have to take a look at. Now he's me, and he's got this damn voice in his head telling him to say «no» all the time. And he desperately needs someone on the other side to tell him what he should do, whether he wants to hear it or not. And now, that person is you. Here we are.
— Will he at least be grateful?
— No. He's gonna hate you for it.

- Listen, if he wanted to find a place to hide your patient, he could. He's just stressed and out of his elements, and, hell, he's scared. And even if he hasn't realized it, this job is changing him already, because it comes with a whole host of overwhelming responsibilities, including keeping this hospital afloat.
- I'd help him if he'd let me, but you know he won't.
- When I was Chief, if Dr. Cox came to me and complained about something I would automatically say «no». And if he never complained again, I'd know it wasn't that important. But if he came back and fought for it over and over, I knew it was something that I'd have to take a look at. Now he's me, and he's got this damn voice in his head telling him to say «no» all the time. And he desperately needs someone on the other side to tell him what he should do, whether he wants to hear it or not. And now, that person is you. Here we are.
- Will he at least be grateful?
- No. He's gonna hate you for it.
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