Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 5, Episode 3]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

All right, fine, Elliot. You wanna know why? You're just like me. You're scared. You feel you haven't accomplished anything. Instead of running a triathlon, you're pushing forward with a guy you don't belong with. You know as well as I do, he's gonna open up a bottle of white wine for you when you really prefer red, except you never told him that. Know why? It's because he's not right for you, Elliot. Are you happy now?

All right, fine, Elliot. You wanna know why? You're just like me. You're scared. You feel you haven't accomplished anything. Instead of running a triathlon, you're pushing forward with a guy you don't belong with. You know as well as I do, he's gonna open up a bottle of white wine for you when you really prefer red, except you never told him that. Know why? It's because he's not right for you, Elliot. Are you happy now?
All right, fine, Elliot. You wanna know why? You're just like me. You're scared. You feel you haven't accomplished anything. Instead of running a triathlon, you're pushing forward with a guy you don't belong with. You know as well as I do, he's gonna open up a bottle of white wine for you when you really prefer red, except you never told him that. Know why? It's because he's not right for you, Elliot. Are you happy now?
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